Falcon Blud

Item number: __30015

Blood enhancing tablets for falcons, boost the stamina and improves the oxygen supply to the muscles.

*** Not for sale in Australia.***

Falcon Blud Tablets were formulated by avian veterinarians to provide essential components for red blood cell production and to boost stamina. Red blood cells are vital for the transport of oxygen around the body of the falcon.

Optimal red blood cell and haemoglobin levels can enhance oxygen-carrying capacity.

Give one tablet per 500g body weight daily to the falcon by inserting the tablet into meat or by direct oral dosing.


Store below 30°C (room temperature), out of direct sunlight.


5 years from date of manufacture

Per tablet:

Lysine 3.0mg

Zinc 900µg

Iron 780µg

Copper 145µg

Vitamin B9 130µg

Cobalt 100µg

Vitamin B12 1.0µg.